I can’t believe that I was so brainwashed by the media. Tucker Carlson seems like a good guy, but you can’t ever put too much faith in a single source, even “God.” That is how cults are started. Take everything with a grain of salt.
The Green Knight. 🎨 God, I love drawing.

The Fires of Babylon

Religion gives a peek at what is beyond; it is not in itself salvation, or heaven, that is for you to make for yourself. To search for evidence is to have no faith in what you believe, yet the faithful are given evidence.
Above the Clouds

“The philosopher kills himself thinking: the more he thinks, the less he finds.” -Afzal Iqbal. Do things with intention, instead of overanalyzing basic functions. Follow your purpose, do what you love!
Self Portrait. Completely botched the coloring though 😬

The most important right is the unspoken right to have your own opinion, unspoken because noone would think you can take it away. Orwell knew. But with that right of independence, we must be logical and considerate in our efforts to learn and grow, especially towards others.
If you haven’t noticed, as I wouldn’t expect you to, Trump literally just said he was going to protect medicare and social security. He may not be the best guy, but he does what he thinks is right, opposite the obviously corporate politician Biden. DNC, stop creating this lose-lose!
Blessed are thee who help the less fortunate; not out of pity or ego, but simply because it is the right thing to do. A good act is a good act no matter who does it, one might say, but are ulterior motives not considered? On a material scale, it does not appear to matter.
Some old drawings ✏️ :) No. 1 - Elephant No. 2 - Kamikaze No. 3 - EVA 01
September 20, 2020
m.youtube.com/watch Last night, for better or for worse, I had an experience with a being. It began while I was listening to Lateralus, and I received the thought, “The devil’s in the church. The devil’s in the book.” Over and over again, it repeated itself, and it occurred to me that the reason evil can happen is because together we are great, but isolated we are weak. And this is what the devil does best; pit us against each other. Then, I made a drawing. A devil came onto the paper, followed by a cross with the same devil hiding behind it. I felt unnerved, like it was beside me, so I drew an angel of justice, “I banish thee, demon.” But it was still there, and I tried to ignore it with energy work but I could still feel it lingering. I stood, and crossed my heart, and a pain was felt on my left hand’s fifth knuckle and I heard a high pitched sound in my right ear, a sound of the angels. Now I knew something was there, so I burned the drawing and went outside, and it was gone. “I think I just had an angel and a devil.” “But how do you know which is which?”
Electricity is the new fire: people need to learn how to create it, store it, and use it.
Every step you take; does it move you towards or further from the person you want to be? The accomplishents you wish to have?
Not only is the mask useless, it is harmful. When you get sick, your body attempts to flush out the sickness i.e. coughing. But what happens when the sickness and other bacteria are prevented from leaving and sit in your face? Don’t forget the other things you have to breathe in.
How eye one the write too think. The people who don’t know their own rights will be silenced without challenge. The police officers don’t know the ordinances that allow them to shut down parks. If covid can be spread, what gives him the right to touch me?!? The kids have been brainwashed.
The German Sallet is a work of beauty. I’ve heard the bevor lowers maneouverability though.

By no means does the little represent the whole. Paper straws, plastic cups. Hippie hypocrisy. As the saying goes, watch the hands, not the mouth.
First Comic!

Go humans! Fuck you robots pretending to be humans, you can go live on Mars where you belong with your corporate overlords. I want my rights back and my community back and my freedom back. The government only has the power you give it, and your money is your voice. Stand up.
Fuck church. Jesus is great. Evangelists are telemarketers for God. Time is relative, existence is objective.
It is so utterly depressing to think that any human with an independent opinion will be ostracized by the crowd — but thus it has always been. Noone gives you your freedom but yourself. And you must keep it for yourself no matter the cost.

People have always been willing to give up their lives just to have a taste of the freedoms and rights that we in the U.S. experience. But now we are relinquishing all of those rights to a totalitarian government just to be “safer.”
Weapons of Mass Obedience. We U.S. citizens are living in an Orwellian society, soon to be monitored by an empowered government we relinquished our rights to. The man speaks truth, and he is being censored by Big Brother. childrenshealthdefense.org/news/robe…