Florida Lotus

Be careful of what you watch, what you create, what you think; it affects your energy. Why do great horror writers live short lives? Why are you surprised they die so young when their energy is a black miasma attractive to demons and misery?

I nominate Ky Xia as an angel, who has worked tirelessly with children for a year to create change and educate others. We have to educate others to create lasting change and revert robots back into humans with critical thinking. We are going through biblical change, prepare yourself.

When you see a toddler making a mess, remember that it is necessary for their growth. Painful to clean up and look at, yes, but necessary. Education is our biggest flaw in the U.S., and we need to fix that. You can’t tailor teaching with 300 students coming in and out over a day.

Apparently the left has become far more fascist than the right, censoring those who don’t fit their opinion and silencing free speech. I’m not allowed to not wear a mask, but what do you do at home? You democrats forget republicans have the guns, and libertarians stand for freedom. Screw parties, remember ideals. Note - V for Vendetta takes place in 2020!

It takes ego to do something new; imagining you can do it better than them. To see other work like yours, just as good or better, it drives mad the ego. Why are they better than me? But more importantly, am I not good enough? What is wrong with me? Please! – Rediscover yourself!

Be patient with humans, they’re very complicated beings. It takes some time to vibe people, but once you’re there, filter who you want to be around you. The people you choose to be around influence who YOU are as a person. Get to know some other people; everyone has a story.

Perhaps Ragnarok arises when enough bodhisattvas stop returning to help save us from ourselves,the human doom. Don’t be a tyrant, the people have learnt well how to kill the tyrant. You can’t fool everyone all the time.

Minimalism is beautiful.

Elders are one of our most valuable resources, and it is unthinkable that we send a lifetime’s worth of experiences to waste away in a nursing home playing golf. Inter-generational learning is a jewel that has been lost on the tracks of so-called progress.

Anything you think is true alters your reality. Learning a new truth literally changes your reality because reality is made up of what truths we know, an imagined reality made up of imagined truths which we do not know how we know. Therefore, we don’t “know” anything is true, or that reality even exists.

Sometimes, you get burnt-out and stop creating, simply because there is nothing you want to do at that moment. You have to push through, that’s when other people tend to stop at the edge of greatness. Is it better to die young and pure or old and withered? The world has no eyedea.

Humans are like neurons on this planet Earth, passing along information and ideas to inspire the next. Because of our communication, we are able to create things larger than any one of us. You don’t know who you might passively inspire beyond your immediate friends.

ANNOUNCEMENT - Critical thinking is not selfish, nor is the ability of free will. People deserve to be able to make their own decisions and receive unbiased education on a topic. Don’t offer your help and opinion if you haven’t researched the goddamn topic. Use your brain. Be a Human.

“Going!” drmac.tech-4-teens.club/2020/07/1…

The slog that is Internet is attractive to people who want distraction. Searching for a full experience, we recieve none and search again and again. Search Youtube if you want to feel empty.

Socialism is not the same thing as Communism, and people should be considering the evolution of such systems before they decide to adopt one so quickly. Communism has quickly become a hot mess before with the same pyramid shenanigans happening all over again. Socialism is less extreme and should be considered.

On my earlier post: I love the people, and I love the communities. I hate that certain groups get prioritised over others, because of the mental stereotypes set in place by the media. I hate that they’re in situations where they even need that help in the first place!

Humans are like neurons in a massive collective intelligence, passing off information through communication. It is our greatest strength, and the Internet magnifies our connectivity. Protect it. Use it. Most importantly, respect it and each other. youtu.be/cCE2EyV_I…

Either you pay for the lunch or you are the lunch; you pay for the free internet or the corporate internet sells you. They’re selling you to the advertisers, the politicians, the brainwashers. The developers have to eat too.

Our mortal forms are delicate; overlapping circles of systems built of sinew and bone and muscle. One affects the other. Our true strength lies in our mind, but our mind is still one of those circles. Treat your body well, and you improve the mind’s clarity, effectiveness.

Why is it so freaking hard to find a place to meet with other people? People have lost their reliability and the randomness of certain platforms' rules is simply prohibitive. On the r/rpg section, they don’t actually want you to look for places to play! Ease of access=On ramping.

Great ability can be like a cup; we have to be emptied in order to receive it.

Mathematics is incredibly brusque-there are multiple ways to solve an equation, but there’s only one correct solution. If you know the rules and process, it’s easy, but if you mess up a step you fail.

I have NO issue with gay people; I have an issue with the people who only join the pride because they have no self-esteem and need someone else to determine their SEXUALITY for them. Learning who you are can be a completely independent process free of peers. I’m done.

Use every skill you have to do your most excellent work; it’s much more important to find a niche of people who support you than selling out. Try releasing a product and do everything yourself, with some research of course. You will end up with a completely unique idea.