Florida Lotus

Steps to Change

We have all the tools we need for revolution. We just need people to implement them. There is a difference between blowing off steam and distracting yourself from saving the world. We can exact any change we want if we want it enough. In one generation, we have near completely forgotten what life was like without the Internet. In a third of a year, we can shut down every business and park and control where everyone goes and when. We make the change when we want it.

  1. Before people can create change within or around the system, they need to be in a safe place and beating or rerouting the system, although living in the wild covered by leaves isn’t the necessary path. The easiest way is to create clean income, meaning all the money you make is yours. Pay off your debt, form a budget, and shed your ties like snakeskins. Create an emergency fund and save assets you want to keep in case the world ends a little sooner than anticipated. Finally, figure out what time you have to invest in the future, whether you’re a night vigilante working for world peace or a full-time bohemian.
  2. Then, once you have income figured out, you are in a place where you can choose what you want to spend your money and energy on. Pick a topic, pick one topic, tell everyone about your topic, and find people to help you solve your one problem, be it representative or expert or neighbor. Look for the cause, and extinguish it like flame before it spreads. Remember the symptoms, so you know when you have succeeded.
  3. Share your solutions. We have all the tools to communicate, and communicate effectively. Like a brand name, share your solutions with others and help them troubleshoot their issues. You have something that works, so use it and teach it!

When everyone has the solution to all the world’s problems in every county, state, and nation, and you’re finished with your homework, you can go back to your games and distractions.

**May your future be bright, May our paths intertwine, May you pursue your passions, May you have plenty of time,

May you be ever-youthful, and be content in old age, May you ever be wise, and be kind and a sage,

May your life be bliss, for this is all there is.**

To understand poetry, understand what you think about what you feel, then forget it in the true meaning. Understand what the poem means, representing itself from the outside but originating from the center, _live_it thoughtlessly.

Interestingly enough, our current time system is derived from the Babylonians who used a base 60 math system (sexagesimal), leading to our modern-day seconds and minutes. Also, am and pm are derived from Latin, ante meridiem and post meridiem, meaning before and after noon.

There is nothing inherently wrong with AllLivesMatter, in fact, Buddhism supports it. However, it is the intent of the people behind it to mock the BlackLivesMatter movement which has perverted its meaning. Promoting such shows that you are unable to comprehend what is happening.

We the people do not support the thievery of our rights by the state “for our protection.” Good luck to those protesting.

Ritual has to be preserved in a private space; prying eyes destroy its power.

Here’s a design I’ll never put into proto, a backpack umbrella. Schematics help you see how ridiculous your projects are sometimes; the difficulty of such an object far outweighs the difficulty of bringing an umbrella. (cries Why did I think of this?)

We learned to sail today. People who feel like they’re in control need to realise that they are deceived, before they become a danger to those around them and themselves. Perhaps the one time we are fully in control is when we write.


When you lie, nothing good happens of it and you only make it worse, whatever your original intention. Lying is morally wrong, because it feeds misinformation to others to try and screw with their mind, then hurts them to discover the truth. The path of lying represents lack of integrity . It begins with assumptions and fear of the truth.

It’s a good thing I don’t know my purpose in life; it allows me to do many things rather than be tied down to a single career.

The days are long, the years are short. Waiting for sushi rice

Neti, Neti Atma. This is not me; that is not me. Distinguish Self from yourself, distinguish worldly desire and ego from humanity and you will become your realized self.

The Energy of Winter Skies // Motion Inertia

I'd rather live in freedom dangerously than in slavery safely

Where I live, there is a wall. On that wall, there are pieces of art, murals, and messages. One of those murals was a message, and it said, “Stay Home, Stay Safe.” And on that message, a person scrawled, “I’d rather live in freedom dangerously than in slavery safely.” I have to agree with them.

Hello! Had a dream about screaming nonsense true-knowledge at my imaginary redneck lacrosse coach. Felt good to wake up in the dark, thunderstorm around me.